Elementary Handbook
The Elementary Student/Parent handbook provides information about processes and rules relating to elementary students. Please read it carefully, and contact the elementary school office if you need any explanations or further information.
We have exceptional staff members in our elementary schools. They work hard to ensure that students feel safe, enjoy learning, feel included, become confident, and learn to meet challenges. We want parents to feel welcome, respected, and heard, as they partner with us in meeting students’ needs. We are constantly engaged in processes to improve our students’ experience and promote their success as lifelong learners.
Parents are welcome to visit their students’ school, but we ask that you make prior arrangements before visiting. We strive to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment, so we have security procedures in place for visitors, including parents. Please understand that while we want parents to feel welcome, we have to be diligent in maintaining security, so we require that visitors stop in the school office and get an identification badge before proceeding into the building.
I am confident your experience with our school will be positive. Thank you for sharing your children with us. They are the focus of our efforts, and we appreciate your confidence in Willmar Public Schools.
View and read the 2023-24 Elementary Handbook or click on the topics below to learn more.
Elementary Handbook Topics
- Attendance and Tardiness
- Building Security
- Bullying Prohibition
- Cell Phones /Electronic Devices
- Clothing and Personal Items
- Cold Weather Policy
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Getting to School: walk, bike or bus
- Homeroom Placements
- Illness and Communicable Diseases
- Immunizations
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Report Cards
- Retention of Students
- School Days/Hours
- Student Injury
- Student Registration
- Weapons Policy
Attendance and Tardiness
It is important for students to be on time for the start of the school day. A letter will be sent after ten (10) tardies. A plan may be developed to improve the student's on-time arrival.
School Attendance
In order for students to take advantage of our excellent elementary program, it is vital that they be in attendance. When a child is absent because of illness or other times that a parent/guardian deems necessary, the parent/guardian must contact that child’s school office in order to arrange for an excused absence. Any child under the age of 16 is compelled by Minnesota law to attend school. Children who have three unexcused absences will have a letter sent to their parent/ guardian asking for an explanation for the absences. If the school does not hear back from the parent/guardian or if the absences remain unexcused, a referral is made to the Kandiyohi County Truancy Mediation Program. A social worker then contacts the family in an effort to find out why the child is missing school and what can be done to improve school attendance. Some important points about truancy are:
- The school reserves the right to determine if an absence is excusable.
- Valid excuses from attendance at school are limited by the State of Minnesota to the following:
- Illness, verified by the parent or guardian. A physician’s verification will be needed after the tenth absence due to illness.
- Health appointments, verified by a note from the visited professional, stating the date and time of visit.
- An extreme family emergency, at the discretion of the school administrator.
- Religious observance i.e. funeral, wedding, etc.
- Appearance in court, verified with proper documentation.
- Missed bus, weather, oversleeping, working at home, lacking private transportation, and shopping with a parent are some examples of excuses that are not valid and will be dealt with on a truancy basis.
When your child is absent, it is very important that you notify the school so that the reason for the absence can be properly recorded. In order to make it as convenient as possible, you may use one of the following methods to notify the school:
- Calling the attendance answering service which is available 24 hours a day.
- Kennedy – 320-214-6681
- Roosevelt – 320-231-8481
- Lakeland - 320-263-5021
- Sending a signed note with your child when he/she returns to school.
- Coming directly to the school attendance office to report the absence. When reporting an absence, please include the following information:
- Child’s name.
- Date of absence.
- Reason for absence.
- Name of person reporting if by phone and signature if by note.
- Phone number where parent or guardian may be reached.
- A homework request prior to 12:00 noon may be picked up from the main office between 2:45 and 3:45 p.m.
Parents or guardians who choose to have their son or daughter absent from school for an extended period of time must make prior arrangements with school administration.
Building Security
In an effort to promote building safety, only the main entrances to school buildings are open from the outside throughout the school day. In addition, all visitors are required to show ID entering the building, then report to the main office immediately upon entering the building. At the main office, visitors will sign in and be given a visitor identification badge to wear while on site. Parents are asked to come to the school office to sign all children out of the building if he/she leaves before the of the school day. Children are released only to legal parents or guardians. Grandparents, friends, or relatives must have written permission from the parent and a valid photo ID to pick up children from school. If there are custody issues within the family, a court order is required to identify parental rights and access to the child. Willmar Public School employees wear employee identification badges while on duty to designate to students and visitors their status as a school employee.
Bullying Prohibition
A safe and civil environment is needed for students to learn and attain high academic standards and to promote healthy human relationships. Bullying, like other violent or disruptive behavior, is conduct that interferes with a student’s ability to learn and or a teacher’s ability to educate students in a safe environment. The school district cannot monitor the activities of students at all times and eliminate all incidents of bullying between students, particularly when students are not under the direct supervision of school personnel. However, to the extent such conduct affects the educational environment of the school district and the rights and welfare of of its students and is within the control of the school district in its normal operations, the school intends to prevent bullying and to take action to investigate, respond to, and to remediate, and discipline for those acts of bullying which have not been successfully prevented,. The purpose of this policy is to assist the school district in its goal of preventing and responding to acts of bullying, intimidation, violence, reprisal, retaliation, and other similar disruptive and detrimental behavior. (Please Refer to Policy 514 on the district website for more details).
Cell Phones /Electronic Devices
If you insist on your child having a cell phone/electronic device at school, they must be turned off prior to entering the building and kept in their backpack/locker during the school day. Willmar Schools are not responsible for the theft or loss of any electronic device brought to school. This is to ensure the privacy and safety of all students and to eliminate disruptions in the classroom setting. Consequences for not following school procedures will be handled as follows:
- First offense – cell phone/electronic device will be kept in the office and returned to the student at the end of the day.
- Second offense – cell phone/electronic device will be kept in the office until a parent comes in to pick it up
Clothing and Personal Items
While there is no specific dress code, we hope that students will use good judgment in choosing proper school attire, especially during extreme cold and hot weather. Caps, hats, scarves, or bandanas cannot be worn inside the school building. We believe that neat and proper dress contributes to desirable attitudes and behavior.
Articles of clothing promoting drug/tobacco use, violence, suggestive or exploitive language, profanity, or symbolism reflecting gang affiliation is not allowed. Dress should never distract students from their learning, therefore undergarments and midriffs must be covered. Students wearing any of the above-mentioned clothing will either be asked to find an alternate clothing item from the nurses office or call home for a more appropriate garment item to be brought in.
Lockers are school property, school authorities have access to lockers and will periodically open and inspect lockers.
Footwear in Physical Education is a safety issue. ALL CHILDREN ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR TENNIS SHOES FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Platform shoes, clogs, shoes without backs or toes and roller blade shoes are examples of inappropriate footwear. When students bring things to school, especially if they are attractive, they can get broken or lost. Therefore, we ask that you not let children bring toys, portable electronic games/equipment, expensive jewelry or clothing, money, and items highly valued by a child or family to school. It is also very important that children not “trade” items. The school cannot monitor these items or actions closely enough to avoid disappointment and hard feelings if they should be lost, broken, or stolen.
Cold Weather Policy
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Independent School District #347, pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) declares the following is “directory information” as provided in said act and that information relating to students may be made public if said information is in any of the following categories:
- Student name, address, telephone number, parents name, email address
- Date and place of birth
- Sex
- Participation in school-sponsored activities and sports
- Weight and height of members of athletic teams
- Dates of attendance
- Grade level
- Enrollment status
- Photograph
Directory information does not include identifying data which references religion, race, color, social position or nationality.
Any parent or student in the district may notify the district of their desires that some or none of the above information is to be released without their consent by contacting the building principal in which said student attends and completing form.
(FERPA) - Annual Notice for Disclosure of School Directory Information. The notification must be given to the district in writing by September yearly. Copies of the FERPA -Annual Notice for Disclosure form are available at building sites or the district office upon request.
Getting to School: walk, bike or bus
Crossing Guards/School Patrol
Crossing guards have been set up before and after school to help the elementary children cross busy intersections adjacent to the elementary schools. Crossing Guards/School Patrol will be at their posts 30 minutes before school and until 15 minutes after school dismisses. In sending your children to school, please direct them to one of the following crosswalks:
Kennedy Elementary:
- 7th Street and Kandiyohi Ave.
- 8th Street and Kandiyohi Ave.
- 7th Street and Rice Ave.
Roosevelt Elementary:
- 19th Ave. in front of the school
Lakeland Elementary:
- Lakeland Drive Entrance
Bicycle Safety
For the safety of the kindergarten children attending the Willmar Public Schools, we would like to request that they not be allowed to ride their bicycles to school. Older students riding bikes to school are asked to place them in the bike rack and secure them with a bike lock. The school cannot be held liable for misplaced or stolen bicycles.
School Bus Rules and Regulations
The Willmar Public School System provides bus transportation to and from school for eligible elementary children living one mile or more from the school of attendance. It is necessary to have certain rules and regulations in order to protect the welfare of the child. Misconduct and carelessness can cause injury to themselves or their fellow passengers. Please review with your school-age children the safety regulations listed below.
- Only pupils assigned to the bus by school authorities may be transported.
- Students will be allowed to get off the bus only at their home, childcare provider, or school. The only exception to this would be with written permission or notification from the student’s parent, guardian, or school district.
- At the bus stop, students are asked to:
- Board the bus only at the assigned pick-up points.
- Stay back from curb until bus has come to a complete stop before entering. The 8-way system(red lights and stop sign) will be on when bus comes to a complete stop. When stopped the bus door will be opened for entering.
- The Willmar Public Schools does not provide supervision at the bus stop.
On the bus:
- Immediately follow the directions of the driver.
- Sit in your seat facing forward.
- Talk quietly and use appropriate language.
- Keep your arms, legs and belongings to yourself.
- No fighting, harassment, intimidation or horseplay.
- Do not throw any object.
- No eating, drinking, smoking or use of tobacco or drugs.
- Do not bring any weapon or dangerous objects on the school bus.
- Do not damage the school bus.
- Keep all parts of your body inside the bus. Windows are not to be lowered below the black safety line indicated in each bus.
- Bus seats are to be shared.
- No gang related behaviors.
When unloading, students are to exit the doorway and move directly AWAY FROM THE BUS. If crossing the roadway is necessary, walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus. If multiple students have unloaded wait as a group and cross when the driver gives the signal. Make sure you can see the bus driver and the driver can see you. Always watch for traffic to know it is safe to cross. Continue to watch for traffic while crossing. A 'sounding of the bus horn' is usually a signal of danger. Once the student is safely across the roadway, the bus driver will extinguish the red lights and retract the stop arm of the bus.
The bus company will issue a written transportation report when unacceptable behavior occurs. Administrators will determine consequences for unacceptable bus behavior and will communicate with families . The bus safety guidelines may be enforced as follows:
- First offense - warning
- Second offense: 3 school-day suspension from riding the bus
- Third offense: 5 school-day suspension from riding the bus
- Fourth offense: 10 school-day suspension from riding the bus/meeting with parent/School Bus Discipline Contract
- Further offenses - individually considered. Students may be sus-pended for longer periods of time, including the remainder of the school year.
Parents are always notified if the student is to lose bus privileges.
Contact Information
- PALMER BUS-(320) 382-6421
- WILLMAR BUS(320) 235-2110
Homeroom Placements
The placing of students in the appropriate learning environment begins in the spring of the year and is completed in the summer after new student registration. Placement information is received from teachers, parents, social workers, special education staff, and administration. Class size, cultural diversity, and gender ratios are considered. With the student’s special abilities and needs in mind, an assignment is made with a teacher. Parents are welcome to provide information about the best learning environment for their child or special needs that should be considered, but requesting the names of specific teachers is not allowed.
Illness and Communicable Diseases
General Guidelines are listed below but exceptions can occur when there are attendance concerns or special health conditions. A child should not come to school (and will be sent home from school) if they have:
- a fever of 100 degrees F or more in the past 24 hours
- vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours
- a skin rash that may be disease related
- untreated live head lice
- open/draining skin sores that can not be covered
- inflamed and draining eyes or ears until seen by health care provider
When your child is ill, please call the school daily to report the illness. If we call because your child is ill, please make arrangements for your child to be picked up within an hour.
A physician’s note is needed to be excused from gym class. Teachers can allow a written parent note for 1 day, but subsequent days will need a note from a physician. This also applies for requests students to stay indoors at recess time.
Administration of Medication in Schools
Students are permitted to take medication in school only when:
- The frequency of dosage makes it necessary for a dose or treatment to be given during school hours.
- A written medication or treatment order from a licensed prescriber is on file for the student.
- A written parent/guardian authorization for the school nurse or her delegate to administer the medication or treatment is on file for the student.
- Written licensed prescriber’s orders are required for all changes in medications, or dosages being given in school and must be renewed annually at the beginning of the school year.
- The medication is supplied by the family in a fullylabeled original container See complete policy for exceptions.
Latex Products
Students are not to bring products containing Latex to the school sites.
Minnesota Statutes chapter121A requires that all children who are enrolled in a Minnesota school be immunized before starting school. These requirements can be waived only for medical reasons or if you are conscientiously opposed to a particular immunization. For more information, contact Minnesota Department of Health website: www.health.state.mn.us/immunize. All students are expected to be in compliance on the first day of school.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences are conducted twice a year for all students, grades K-5. These conferences will be conducted in October and February. An appointed time is sent home just prior to the Parent/Teacher conferences. The purpose of the conferences is to:
- Cooperatively set academic and social goals for each child.
- Review the student’s progress.
- Share with one another expectations, accomplishments, and problems.
Parents may request a conference with school personnel at any time during the school year when they may have questions or concerns about their child’s academics, programs, behavior, etc. Please contact the school to schedule these conferences.
Independent School District #347 has a Parent/Teacher-Student Association (PTSA). This is a broad-based group that strives to promote parent-student involvement and provide teacher support in the Willmar Public School system. Schools and parents need to build a true partnership based on an open trust and aimed at doing what is best for the development of each and every child. This organization seeks to bring all possible resources together to promote the welfare of the whole child and of all children.
All are welcome to participate. If interested in joining the PTSA please contact your child’s school office for the next meeting or contact info.
Report Cards
Retention of Students
The Willmar Public Schools recognizes that each child develops and grows in a unique pattern and that pupils should be placed in the educational setting most appropriate to their social, emotional, physical and academic needs. The promotion or retention of a student comes through a recommendation to the building principal by the homeroom teacher. Every effort shall be made to remediate a pupil’s deficiencies before retention is recommended. If retention of a child is going to be considered, the following steps will take place:
- Parent or legal guardian will be notified of the possibility of the pupil’s retention no later than parent teacher conferences that are held in February. Interventions that have been tried will be discussed and instructional strategies going forward will be reviewed.
- Retention decisions will be made before the end of the year. A consensus must be reached on what is best for the student by educators and parents.
School Days/Hours
The elementary school faculty would like to have the cooperation of the parents in establishing a suitable arrival time for the pupils at school. The school day officially begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:20 p.m. We appreciate all efforts to refrain from dropping children off any earlier than 8:15 a.m. There is no supervision for students that arrive before 8:15 a.m. If you must drop your child off before 8:15 a.m., please look into Cardinal Place child care. If you need to leave a message for your child please call the main office. This is to prevent classroom disruptions during learning times. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher we would be happy to set up an appointment for you.
Student Injury
- Parents are not notified by school officials of minor injuries (cuts, scratches, scrapes, bumps, bruises, etc.). Students are instructed to report these to parents when they return home.
- Parents are notified of more serious injuries so they can make a decision on whether or not to seek medical care. School personnel can give guidance but the decision to obtain medical care depends on individual preference of parent or guardian.
- Parents are expected to come to school and take the child home or to a health care provider.
- It is the responsibility of the family to pay medical bills. Families may choose to purchase an accident insurance policy. Participation in this insurance plan is voluntary. Brochures are available at school and the Willmar Education and Arts Center (WEAC).
Student Registration
Student Registration Students who currently attend the Willmar Elementary Schools are pre-registered in the spring of the year for the following school year. Children, who during the summer months have changed addresses within the city, and those students new in the Willmar School system, will begin the registration process at the Willmar Education and Arts Center – 611 5th Street SW, Willmar, MN. or online at /domain/1323.
After the initial registration, you will be directed to the respective buildings to complete the registration process. This registration will take place prior to the start of school in the fall. New students in grades K-5 are asked to bring the address of their previous school at the time of registration. Kindergarten registration is held at Kennedy, Lakeland, and Roosevelt Elementary Schools in April. A copy of the birth certificate, immunization record, and pre-school screening are required.
Weapons Policy
No student or nonstudent, including adults and visitors, shall possess, use or distribute a weapon when in a school location except as provided in this policy. Employees are restricted from carrying or possessing firearms while acting in the course and scope of employment. The school district will act to enforce this policy and to discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator, school employee, volunteer, or member of the public who violates this policy.
Definition: “Weapon” means any object, device or instrument designed as a weapon or through its use is capable of threatening or producing bodily harm or which may be used to inflict self-injury including, but not limited to, any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded; air guns; pellet guns; BB guns; all knives; blades; clubs; metal knuckles; numchucks; throwing stars; explosives; fireworks; mace and other propellants; stun guns; ammunition; poisons; chains; arrows; and objects that have been modifies to serve as a weapon. No person shall possess, objects, devices or instruments shall be treated as weapons including, but not limited to, weapons listed above which are broken or nonfunctional, look-alike guns; toy guns; and any object that is a facsimile of a real weapon. No person shall use articles designed for other purposes) i.e. lasers or laser pointers, belts, combs, pencils, files, scissors, etc.) to inflict bodily harm and or intimidate and such use will be treated as the possession and use of a weapon.